Tuesday, April 1, 2014

And the WINNERS are...

1986fit 13.7%
Fluffy Phoebe 6.4%
Lose the Caboose OUT
Greenie 10.4%
Big Bertha 8.3%
Poochie Mama 5.2%
Fat Face 5.7%
Garen Kay OUT
Suzie Q OUT
Krusty OUT
Loser 8.6%
big butt mama 10.0%
Honeybadger 13.9%
Beachbooty 16.8%
25 Again OUT
OC Girl 11.0%
Miss Piggy n/a

Muffin Top OUT
Rooster 10.7%
Better Than Last Time OUT
RumblinTum OUT
Chunky Monkey 6.8%
el guapo 1.0%
Easy Money 13.4%
Fast Food Fatty n/a
Gandalf 4.0%
Carboholic OUT

Ladies had 18 participants. This means each winner will get $142.50*! So awesome.
Gentelmen had 10 participants but only 2 winners. They walk away with $237*!

*This number is after the 5% deduction